St George Performing Arts Festival

Celebrating public education

Choir music

Welcome to the music download pages for the 3-6 choirs.  We are very excited that you can now access the current year's music and previous years' songs from this page. 

Music resources for teachers

We have endeavoured to keep as many resources together for you and your choir program.  If you have any resources from previous SPAF years that are not here please contact the festival's music director.

Links are provided for schools to the Google Drive folder that contains the audio files, scores and lyric booklet. You can only access this using your DoE Google account.  This is your If your school computer is logged into your personal Gmail account, you will need to log out and access it using your DoE address.  It is recommended that you download the audio files to your own hard drive/USB and play them through your media player of choice.

This and the previous year's music can be found in our Shared Google Drive.

Broken links

If you find any broken links or incorrect files please notify the Festivals Music Director or Website Coordinator